YEMEN Press Agency

Civilian killed, 25 wounded in bombing in Syria

SANAA, Jun. 3 (YPA) – A Syrian civilian was killed and 25 others were wounded, including critical cases, as a result of a bomb explosion in a gathering of citizens in a market in Hasakah governorate.
SANA quoted the director of health in the governorate, Dr. Issa Khalaf, as saying: A civilian was killed as a result of the bomb explosion amid a gathering of citizens in the labor market on Palestine Street in Hasaka, while the number of wounded rose to 25.

Hasakah Police explained that a wanted criminal threw a grenade in the middle of a gathering of citizens in the labor market in Palestine Street in the city, which resulted in the injury of 20 civilians, including women, with injuries of varying severity.

The source confirmed that the Criminal Security Branch in the governorate arrested the criminal who threw the bomb while he was wanted according to several research broadcasts.