YEMEN Press Agency

Moscow warns of creating disputes justify interference in states’ affairs

SANAA, Nov. 4 (YPA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday stressed his country’s concern about the attempts of some countries to create global indicators for conflicts that allow third parties to interfere in the affairs of states.
Russia Today Agency quoted Lavrov as saying in an intervention during a video conference held by the UN Security Council that “what is worrying is the repeated attempts to fabricate alleged public indicators of disputes that justify excesses and interference in internal affairs in order to exert pressure on governments that do not satisfy some.”

Lavrov said that Moscow believes that the successful solution to armed conflicts and reconciliation between the conflicting parties are the ones that lay the foundations for the evaluation of the situation in the field of human rights as well as for social and economic development.

Lavrov stressed that his country “does not deny the existence of a correlation between the task of maintaining global peace and security.”