YEMEN Press Agency

6 dead, 2 injured in grenade attack in Mexico

SANAA, Oct. 10 (YPA) – Six people were killed and two others were seriously injured, on Friday, in a grenade attack, on an apartment building in the Tonala region, in the state of Jalisco in western Mexico.
Mexican Radio “Noticias MVS” reported that two unidentified persons targeted the building with bombs that detonated them, causing a gas cylinder to explode in the building and a fire broke out.

At the scene, security personnel found about 200 rounds of automatic rifles, five grenades, and a large sum of cash.

According to the investigations, the reason for the attack was most likely a dispute over the sale of plots of land.

At the beginning of September, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador mentioned the increasing number of premeditated murders and cases of extortion in the country. It is reported that it increased by 7.9% and 12.7%, respectively, compared to November 2018.