YEMEN Press Agency

9 soldiers killed in Colombian military helicopter crash

SANAA, July 22 (YPA) – Colombian military announced the crash of a Colombian military helicopter on Tuesday, killing nine and wounding six others.
The Colombian army confirmed that two people were among those on board still missing.
The Black Hawk (UH-60) helicopter debris was found earlier on Tuesday, along the River Inrida, southeast of Colombia.
In the statement, the army added that “at the site where the helicopter crashed, people in the area said that 17 members of the national army were on board,” according to Agence France-Presse.
The statement also said that the injured were taken to a nearby hospital, while a special rescue team continues to “search” for the missing victims.
On February 27, another military helicopter crashed near Bogica, in the Cundinamarca department, with five crew members on board, three of whom died, according to local media.