YEMEN Press Agency

Military occupation outpost targeted by gunfire near Nablus

SANAA, July 16 (YPA) – On Wednesday evening, Palestinian youths were able to target a military outpost for the Israeli occupation south of Nablus, before retreating peacefully from the area.

According to the Israeli Channel 12, people in a speeding car opened fire on a military tower near the settlement of Itamar, which is located on citizens’ land south of Nablus, without causing any injuries.

The same military outpost was targeted by the attackers on Tuesday.

Following the shooting, the occupying forces closed the Beit Furik checkpoint and conducted extensive sweeps in the vicinity of the area.

On Wednesday evening, Israeli occupation forces arrested four youths from Nablus for attempting to carry out an attack with Molotov cocktails and homemade bombs.

Israeli media quoted the occupying forces as saying that the four youths were preparing to throw bottles and Molotov cocktails at an army position near Nablus before they were arrested

The villages of Nablus are constantly attacked by Yitzhar settlers, who practice attacks almost daily against the population there.