YEMEN Press Agency

30 American soldiers at Ahmed Al-Jaber base in Kuwait infected with Corona

SANAA, July 4 (YPA) – A spokesman for the Pentagon’s Central Command William Urban announced that about 30 members of the American army at Ahmed Al-Jaber Air Base of Kuwait were infected with the emerging corona virus.

“This group has expanded over time, and we believe that social separation and contact tracking procedures have reduced the number of injuries,” Urban said.

He pointed to the preventive measures taken at the base, including the suspension of unnecessary gatherings, the cancellation of force support events, and the changing of food times, to prevent the military from mixing with large numbers in restaurants.

It is noteworthy that the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health announced, on Thursday, that it had recorded 919 new cases of corona virus, up from 745 yesterday, and one death compared to 4 yesterday, in addition to 675 new cases of recovery, during the last 24 hours.

Thus, the number of injured cases in the country reached 47,859, of which 351 were deaths. 36,390 people have recovered from the disease, while 142 patients remain in intensive care.

The ministry stated that among the new injured, 549 were Kuwaiti citizens.