YEMEN Press Agency

Commander loyal to Hadi wounded in assassination attempt in Dhelea

DHALEA, June 17 (YPA) – A high-ranking military commander loyal to Hadi government was wounded during an attack in Dhalea province, southern Yemen, Media outlets reported on Wednesday.

According to Yemen News Portal, the commander of Hadi’s 30th armored brigade was wounded in an assassination attempt in the city of Dhalea

Local sources said that gunmen on a motorcycle fired at Brigadier General Hadi al-Awlaki, noting that al-Awlaki was injured in the attack.

The incident comes against the backdrop of a frightening escalation of assassinations in southern Yemen in a sign of its expansion as both sides of the conflict ( Hadi forces and The UAE-backed southern transitional council (STC) ) fail to resolve the battle of Abyan despite the prolonged confrontations on its fronts for months.

Al-Awlaki is from Shabwah province, was appointed by Hadi as commander of the 30-armored brigade amid rejection by the STC, because Dhalea is birthplace of its leaders.

Al-Awlaki’s incident reinforces fears of a widening regional qualifier, especially as the incident comes at a time when the STC has a new defeat in Shabwah.