YEMEN Press Agency

Turkish mercenaries killed, injured in car bomb explosion in northern Syria

SANAA, June 15 (YPA) – A number of the mercenaries of the Takfiri Turkish occupation were killed and wounded on Monday by a car bomb in Ras Al-Ain region in Hasaka countryside, northern Syria.
Syrian News Agency “SANA” quoted local sources as saying: a car bomb exploded with a group of mercenaries from the Turkish occupation from the Takfiri organizations in the occupied village of Musharraf Remo in the Ras Al-Ain region in the northwestern countryside of Hasaka, killing three takfiris and wounding others.

The villages in the areas of the spread of the Turkish occupation forces and their Takfiri mercenaries in Hasaka countryside are witnessing the explosion of several car bombs and motorcycles, in addition to a state of chaos as a result of the fighting and rivalry between mercenary groups, while the Takfirists continue their violations against the people of the region.