YEMEN Press Agency

HR Yemeni Center condemns targeting of Presidential Office in Sanaa

SANAA, May 9 (YPA) – Yemeni Center for Human Rights condemned the Monday crime of targeting of the Republic Presidential Office by the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in Tahrir crowded district of capital Sanaa,  which killed and injured dozens and damaged public and private properties,  the Center said in a statement received by Yemen Press Agency on Wednesday.

 In the statement the Center said the continuation of coalition forces in committing war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law by targeting civilians and damaging to their property and their necessary needs, is a result of the silence and complicity of UN bodies, the Security Council and the world.

“If the Security Council and the UN bodies do not take any step, especially the accountability of perpetrators of crimes and violations of international humanitarian law, they will be considered as  partners in the crimes in front of Yemeni people,” read the statement.

Sameera Hassn