YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia arrest African immigrants, hold them at Yemeni border

SANAA, April 7 (YPA) – Saudi Arabia on Monday begun assembling hundreds of African migrants in a camp on the Yemeni border, in a latest campaign of suspicious activity.

Large groups of African refugees are being held by Saudi authorities in the open in Wadi Al-Dhamd, which lays at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

The move has raised fears among many activists that Saudi Arabia is actively seeking to spark a covid-19 outbreak amongst the refugee population in order to spread it into Yemen.

According to the activists, the Saudi authorities carried out arrests inside their cities, apprehending migrants and transported them to an open camp in the valley that reaches the valley of Al-Raqaw in Saada province.

Saudi Arabia has imposed an air, sea and land blockade on Yemen since March 2015, but in recent years it has encouraged major human trafficking operations of African, some of whom are employed on military missions such as recruitment.

Yemen has not yet reported any cases of coronavirus, but fears are mounting as the coalition tries to transport the epidemic by various means, the latest of which is via flights to Aden and Seiyun.