YEMEN Press Agency

China registers 20 new coronavirus cases

SANAA, March 15 (YPA) – China on Sunday reported 20 new confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19).

China’s National Health Commission said that the country registered 20 new confirmed cases of the virus on Saturday, up from 11 the previous day.

The figure brings the total number of confirmed cases in China’s provinces to 80,844.

The health authorities reported 10 death cases on Saturday, bringing the total number of corona death cases in China to 3,199 so far.

Global cases of the new coronavirus, which first appeared in central China at the end of last year, exceeded 135,000, with 4,981 deaths and nearly 70,000 recovered.

As the outbreak of coronavirus continues around the world, many countries have stepped up precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus, and the World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday (March 11th) declared the new coronavirus a “global epidemic”, but stressed that it could still be “controlled”.