YEMEN Press Agency

Pentagon announces its intention to send air defense systems to Iraq

SANAA, March 10 (YPA) – The American defense forces, “Pentagon” announced on Tuesday the United States’ intention to send air defense systems to Iraq to protect the American soldiers deployed there.
“We are now in the process of delivering air defense systems to Iraq in particular to protect ourselves from any other Iranian attack,” said General Kenneth F. McKenzie, commander of the US Central Command, at the Armed Services Committee of the US House of Representatives.

“The National Security Strategy states that we will work with partners to deny the Iranian regime any possible avenues for obtaining nuclear weapons and eliminate the sinister Iranian influence,” McKenzie said.

The Pentagon had announced earlier that it was working to persuade the Iraqi government to grant approval for the deployment of Patriot air defense systems on its soil to enhance US defense capabilities against the background of the missile attack launched by Iran on January eight.