YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist forces arrest 11 Palestinians, including leader in Hamas

SANAA, March 10 (YPA) – Zionist enemy forces launched  a campaign of arrests in the West Bank, targeting a number of Palestinian citizens, including a leader of the “Hamas” movement from Tulkarm Governorate, and released prisoners.
Palestinian sources reported that the enemy forces on Monday arrested the leader of the “Hamas” movement, Sheikh Iyad Nasser, after storming his house in the Shweika suburb of Tulkarm, and he had spent several years in the occupation prisons.

The Palestinian Media Center reported that the enemy forces launched a storming and search campaign in Al-Aroub camp, north of Hebron, and arrested four young men after their homes were raided, searched and sabotaged in their contents. Then, clashes erupted, during which Zionist soldiers fired live bullets and gas canisters, while the village of Silwad, east of Ramallah, was raided. Three others were arrested.

The sources added that clashes erupted between Palestinian citizens and dozens of soldiers who stormed Tulkarm and its camp, and fired sound and gas bombs at the Palestinians.