YEMEN Press Agency

Abu Dhabi, STC seek to turn Aden into epicenter of Corona epidemic

ADEN, Feb. 28 (YPA) – Southern entities on Friday said that the UAE and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) continue to work to establish center a quarantine in the city of Aden in order to transport its citizens infected with Corona virus to it for treatment.
The southern entities considered that a dangerous threat to the residents of Aden and Yemen in general.

The Independent Southern Commission for Anti-Corruption, the Democratic Civil Movement, and Al-Wefaq Association explained, in statements on Friday, that they sent a number of their members on Thursday to the Friendship Hospital in Aden to verify closely about what the media reported about the preparation of a quarantine by the UAE in agreement with the STC to transfer the Emirati citizens infected with the deadly corona virus from China to this quarantine.

They affirmed the presence of the quarantine, indicating that the transitional council continued on Thursday to supple the quarantine with new medical equipment coming from the UAE, without paying any attention to the risks of transporting Emiratis infected with Corona virus, to the lives of Aden’s residents in particular and Yemen in general.

The three southern entities said that the Hospital’s staff and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods condemned the steps taken by the Transitional Council and the UAE, confirming their categorical refusal to transfer any Emirati infected with the Corona virus to the quarantine established in the hospital.