YEMEN Press Agency

US political support for Saudi-led coalition is uncovered

SANAA, April 30 (YPA) – The United States is taking a lot of tricks to pretend that the US is not taking part in the Saudi-led coalition aggression against Yemen.

But the statements made by US administration officials regarding the support of US for the coalition to avoid civilian casualties in Yemen clearly showed their involvement in this war on Yemen.

Such allegations would exempt Washington from moral condemnation for the current time and also of any future prosecution.

US officials are trying to portray the supply of weapons to Saudi Arabia, as well as providing Saudi and Emirati warplanes with fuel in the air, the contribution of US troops to operations on the ground, along with the provision of intelligence information still in their point of view as indirect interference.

A number of rights activists believe that the US covers its intervention in the name of intelligence support, even if Washington had another way will not hesitate to conceal its fingerprints.

But it is obliged to be present in this clear picture to ensure that the US administration runs and supervises this war fully and intervenes directly when necessary.

Legally, the acknowledgment of US supports intelligence information makes Washington a key partner in this aggression on Yemen.

If the coalition countries did not receive all that support, they would not be able to continue their war against Yemen with the same intensity.

The US also provide political cover for the Saudi-led coalition by disrupting the work of international institutions and international law.

The US and their allies give the green light for the Saudi-led coalition to continue their war against Yemen with US and UK complicity and a cover of war crimes and massacres.