YEMEN Press Agency

Erdogan: America’s choice of Soleimani is to increase tension in the region

SANAA, Jan. 6  (YPA) – Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday, in light of the tension between Tehran and Washington over the brutal attack and the assassination of the Iranian general: America’s choice of Soleimani was a way to increase tension because killing someone of his rank will not remain without paying a price or without a retaliation.

 Erdogan added that the region is boiling and going through difficult times and everyone is wondering where the region is going and the tension that began with the attack on the US embassy in Iraq and the assassination of Soleimani reached a critical point.

 Turkey is trying to ease tensions and is following up on what is happening with concern because the situation will become more complicated,” he said.

 Unfortunately, so far, all efforts and initiatives to defuse the US-Iranian tension have not succeeded,” Erdogan said, advising the Iranian president to moderate the resolution of the crisis during my contact with him.

 Erdogan said that Soleimani was not someone “who will become a caliphate as some parties compare him to the leaders of ISIS and its likes.”