YEMEN Press Agency

Ansarullah accuses Washington of being behind coalition’s war crimes in Yemen

SANAA, July 30 (YPA) – The legal department of Ansarullah has confirmed that the crime of bombing of al-Thabet market in the district of Qutabar in Saada province, “bears an American imprint”.

“The United Nations plays the role of a false witness who stands with the executioner against the victim and takes the legal and legal responsibility of all crimes committed by the coalition of aggression in Yemen,” Ansarullah’s legal department chief Al-Mahbashi said in a statement condemning the coalition’s bombing of a popular market in Saada.

“We confirm that the United States is the first criminal to be fingerprinted in all crimes through political and logistical support for aggression,” he said.

“The US benefits from the continuation of the aggression by taking Saudi funds and essentially achieving its plan to occupy Yemen,” Al-Mahbashi concluded.