YEMEN Press Agency

North Korea comments on storming its embassy in Spain

SANAA, March 31 (YPA) – North Korea on Sunday has officially commented on the storming of its embassy in Spain last month, which resulted in the theft of communications equipment and beating of embassy staff.

A Foreign Ministry representative said that storming the embassy in Spain was a “serious terrorist attack”, the first official comment on the incident.

The representative of the Foreign Ministry also called for an investigation and said North Korea was closely following rumors promoted by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and an anti-North Korean group.

But North Korea has not reached the threshold of blaming Washington directly, and the Spanish authorities have demanded an investigation in a responsible manner.

A group stormed the headquarters of the North Korean diplomatic mission in Madrid on February 22, days before the second summit between US president Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi on February 27 and 28 February.

A Spanish group has claimed responsibility for the operation, saying that it was trying to shed light on the activities of the “illegal” diplomatic missions of Pyongyang.