YEMEN Press Agency

Press TV journalist: America targets Muslims, blacks


SANAA, Feb. 3 (YPA) – America and other Western countries are systematically targeting Muslims and blacks through racist and anti-Islamic policies and laws, said a journalist and broadcaster working for Press TV.

According to IRNA, Mardhya Hashmi said during a press conference in Tehran on Saturday, the American authorities removed my veil under pressure and subjected me to arrest as a witness.

“There were no cases and no charges but they claimed they arrested me as a witness and I faced psychological pressure. I told the US authorities that I was not an Iranian delegate, but I was working there as a journalist.”

“I was not arrested in America at first but they later claimed that they were arresting me as a key witness in a case, which shows that the US authorities are targeting their opponents, especially the blacks,” she said.

“The American government has been arresting a person for 20 years to force him to make a confession. The US government is causing problems all over the world,” she said, noting that Muslims in America and the West are under intense pressure.

“The US authorities view me as an enemy because of my strong support for Iran and the Islamic revolution,” she said.


Sameera Hassn