SANAA, Feb. 2 (YPA) – The famous Saudi activist known only as Mujtahidd has revealed new details on King Salman’s situation and personal life, especially after he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
According to Mujtahidd, The Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) has been able to keep his father busy with women’s concerts and dance, so he would not ask about his imprisoned wife, the mother of MBS who has been imprisoned by the crown prince himself.
تمكن مبس من إشغال والده بالبلوت وحفلات النساء والرقص حتى لا يسأل عن والدته السجينة، وقد اختار مبس البلوت والنساء لأنها أكثر ما يسعد والده خاصة بعد الألزهايمر الذي شخصه الأطباء منذ ٢٠١٢، ومن غباء بقية آل سعود أنهم لا يدركون تمكن الألزهايمر منه ويعاملونه كما لو كانت ذاكرته سليمة
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
“MBA chose the women because these things make his father pleased most, especially after he has been diagnosed with the Alzheimer’s since 2012,” Mujjtahidd said.
“The rest of the Al Saud family members are stupid, because they seem to not realize that Alzheimer’s has affected him, and they treat him as if his memory is intact.”
“The four most important people in the King’s department are Nayef al-Zahrani, known as the Children’s Clown, a person from Najran who likes imitating voices to entertain the king; Abdul Rahman al-Zahrani (the uncle of Fahda, MBS’s mother), whose job is playing the ba card game with the king, and Uncle Abdul Rahman al-Assaf, responsible for the king’s camels,” Mujtahidd stated.
“These four are playing the baloot card game with the king for hours on end in the middle of the week, perhaps with the grandchildren of King, but on Friday and Saturday nights they with his friends from the Badia desert.”
هؤلاء الأربعة يلعبون البلوت لساعات متواصلة مع الملك في ليالي وسط الأسبوع وربما معهم أحفاد الملك سعود، أما ليلتي الجمعة والسبت فيلعب مع الأخوياء من البادية، ولا أدري لماذا يغير مبس الطاقم في نهاية الأسبوع! وبالمناسبة الملك لا يؤدي أي دور آخر غير هذا ولا يعرف شيئا عن أحوال البلد
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
“I don’t know why MBS changes the crew over the weekend,” Mujtahidd’s statement said, adding: “By the way, the king does not play any other role and does not know anything about the country’s situation.”
He added that “those who regularly attend include the personal physician of the king, his private nurse and a number of his sons and grandchildren, as well as the wife and sons of MBS and his brother Khaled, along with the bodyguards, some officials in the Royal clinic, and private servants.”
ويمنع مبس دخول غير هؤلاء على الملك حتى لو كان من كبار آل سعود، وهذا يشمل أعمامه وأخوانه غير الأشقاء مثل سلطان وفيصل وعبد العزيز وجميع هؤلاء يتحايلون في المناسبات العامة أو يستغلون بعض الثغرات لمقابلة الملك، وقد شوهد إخوانه في خصام معه بصوت مرتفع عدة مرات
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
Mujtahidd furthermore revealed that MBS “forbids the entry of any others to the king, even if they are seniors of the al-Saud family, including his uncles and siblings such as Sultan, Faisal and Abdul Aziz, all of whom are forced to take advantage of public events or loopholes in order to ever meet the king.”
As for the health of the king, Mujtahidd said that “in addition to Alzheimer’s, that has reached an advanced stage, the king had undergone a surgery in his back in 2009.
وإضافة للألزهايمر الذي وصل لمرحلة متقدمة، سبق أن أجري للملك عملية في الظهر في ٢٠٠٩،. كما أصيب بانسداد شرايين القلب وأجريت له عملية قسطرة ودعامة لأحد الشرايين، وأصيب بالرجفان الأذيني Atrial Fiblrillation الذي يؤدي لاضطراب في نبض القلب وركب له بسبب ذلك منظم ضربات القلب pacemaker
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
He also had a coronary artery blockage, a catheterization and an artery brace, and suffers from atrial fibrillation that causes heart arrhythmia, and can lead to strokes.
و يعاني الملك من أرق شديد ولا ينام إلا باستخدام zolpidem ، كما تنتابه حالات غضب وتوتر إذا بدأ يستعيد بعض الذاكرة مما يضطرهم لإسكاته باستخدام Xanax ، إضافة لمجموعة من المسكنات من آلام الظهر والركبة في مقدمتها Codeine ، ثم مسيل الدم Warfarin الذي يحتاجه لمنع للمزيد من الجلطات
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
“The king suffers from extreme insomnia and he can sleep only with zolpidem. He is also in a state of anger and tension every time he regains some memory, so they give him Xanax and Codeine, and the medicine Warfarin in order to prevent further strokes “.
The activist added: “The king suffers from severe pain in the knees due to the laceration of the joints, and he was supposed to have a prosthetic knee, but the doctors have advised him not to perform any surgery because his heart condition would not allow it.
كما يعاني الملك من ألم شديد في الركبتين بسبب تهتك المفاصل، وكان يفترض أن تجري له عملية تبديل الركبة لكن الأطباء نصحوا بعدم إجراء أي عملية لأن حالة قلبه ودماغه لا تتحمل. والظريف أن مبس متضايق أنه لا يتحمل العملية ولم "يفطس" حتى الآن من أجل أن يعتلي العرش
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
The report stated that MBS was not comfortable with the fact that his father won’t take the surgery, and with the fact that he has not yet died in order for MBS to ascend the throne.”
ويتردد بين المقربين من علاج الملك أن سعود القحطاني ينسق مع د. صالح القحطاني للتلاعب بعلاجات الملك حتى يعجل بموته فيصبح مبس ملكا. ومن بين هذه التوجيهات تحديدا تشجيعه على صرف أدوية النوم والقلق بلا خوف من ضخامة الجرعة عسى ولعل أن تتسبب الجرعة الزائدة بنومة لا صحوة بعدها.
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
Specifically, one of the crown prince’s directives is to encourage King Salman to take sleeping medicine and anxiety medication without fearing the magnitude of the dose, so that perhaps the overdose may cause his death.”
MBS’s mother has been in a state of mental instability since her husband became the king, and MBS has subsequently imprisoned her with together with her sisters ever since then.
The mental illness she suffers is found in her family and there are signs of his (genetically) transmission to MBS and his brothers.
والدة مبس فهدة بنت فلاح ابن حثلين أصيبت بحالة نفسية منذ تولي زوجها المُلك وقد سجنها مبس مع أخواتها منذ ذلك الحين، والمرض النفسي الذي تعاني منه موجود في عائلتها وهناك دلائل على انتقاله (وراثيا) لمبس وإخوانه الأشقاء. وهناك معلومات عن تورطها سابقا مع السحرة يفضل عدم التطرق إليها
— مجتهد (@mujtahidd) February 1, 2019
Mujtahidd continued: “Among the symptoms of the mental state of Fahda are her constant anger with Mohammed bin Salman, to the point that she is cursing him. Therefore, she is surrounded by doctors and is distracted by medications like Xanax and Ativan, and strong painkillers like Codeine and a tonic of amphetamines.
Mujtahidd is an anonymous whistleblower and human rights activist who has access to extremely high-level confidential inside information in Saudi Arabia, and has published numerous reports on the corruption and criminal activity of the royal house of al-Saud.