YEMEN Press Agency

UK opposition leader tables no-confidence motion against government

SANAA, Jan. 16 (YPA) – The U.K. opposition leader has tabled a motion of no-confidence in the government following the deputies rejected the defeat of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal.

After the announcement of the results, Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour party, said the result was a “catastrophic defeat” for the government, adding “After two years of failure, the prime minister can not negotiate the European Union for a good agreement for this country and this people.”

“The government has lost the trust of council and people, so I tabled a motion of no-confidence in the government, and I am happy that on Wednesday the debate about the incompetence of this government will be discussed,” Corbyn said.

The House of Commons voted to reject Prime Minister Teresa Mae’s plan to leave the European Union, where it was voted for the exit plan proposed by Prime Minister 202 while 432 council members rejected it.