YEMEN Press Agency

Exiled Hadi’s forces assault, arrest journalist in Aden

ADEN, Dec. 27 (YPA) – The so-called presidential guard forces loyal to the exiled Hadi on Thursday arrested a journalist and took him to Maasheq Palace prison in the port city of Aden, southern Yemen.

According to media sources, Hadi’s guards assaulted the journalist Fattah al-Mahrami, an employee of “Aden Times” newspaper and then took him to a prison of Maasheq in Crater district.

Al-Mahrami is loyal to the so-called “the Southern Transitional Council”, which funded by the UAE occupation.

On Wednesday, the UAE-backed militia detained the journalist Adel al-Maqtari, who was coming from Marib province, in al-Alam area at the entrance of Aden city.

