YEMEN Press Agency

Political parties welcome calls of Leader of Revolution

SANAA, Nov. 20 (YPA) – The Joint Meeting Parties and Al-Haq party on Tuesday welcomed the calls of the calls of the Leader of the Revolution, Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, to the political forces to stand with anti-corruption authorities to improve their performance.

They confirmed that the call of Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi involved the cooperation of all parties and political components with the official bodies of the State, which is necessary to serve the citizens and alleviate their suffering.

In a statement, they said that they would spare no effort to achieve the goals of the Yemeni people to reach security, stability and the independence of their political decision.

It also praised and appreciated the great participation in the commemorating the Prophet’s birthday in various squares across the country.