YEMEN Press Agency

National Committee of Prisoners condemns militiamen’s leaders selling prisoners to Saudi regime

SANAA, Oct. 13 (YPA) – The National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs condemned  number of Saudi-backed militiamen’s  leaders form Murad tribe in Marib province of selling a group of prisoners of the army and popular committees to the Saudi regime.

The National Committee said in a statement that the sale of the prisoners is a crime and a flagrant violation of the Yemeni tribe, which is known even in conflicts and wars.

The committee held the militiamen’s leaders moral, legal and tribal responsibility  for this evil and disgraceful action, and the Saudi regime held full responsibility for the life and safety of all prisoners.

The statement called on all Yemeni tribes to condemn this heinous crime, calling on the honorable and free people of the Murad tribe to condemn this and other criminal acts and to confront their perpetrators and prevent the militiamen from repeating this act.

The National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs also called on international and local organizations to take serious and effective action to protect the prisoners in the coalition’s prisons against torture and abuse and to prevent such acts, which are considered war crimes in violation of international laws and norms.


Sameera Hassn