DHAMAR, Oct. 6 (Saba) – A meeting , which held on Saturday in the branch of the Public Corporation for the Electricity in the zone of Dhamar headed by Dhamar governor Hussein al-Madashy and General Secretary of the Local Council Mojahid al-Anasy to discuss mechanism to preserve the network and properties of the Corporation.
The meeting dealt with aspects concerning the required possibilities to re-operate a system during the next period.
It affirmed the importance of the preservation of the properties of the corporation, components of the networks and the equipment belonging to the corporation.
He stressed on the importance of the preparation of a technical study on the feasibility of operating 1 or 2 mega from the electricity in the cadre of the city of Dhamar as first step and on the coordination with the electricity to set up mechanism and operating to ensure the network.
Ahmed Al-Mutawakel