YEMEN Press Agency

Hadi police arrests  sewage workers in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 27 (YPA) – Military police loyal to exiled president Hadi government on Thursday arrested a number of sewage workers in Aden province, Yemen Press Agency correspondent reported.

One of detainees family  said, Nasser Nubia directed to arrest a number of workers of the pump for the discharge of sewage as they headed to perform their work in the area of Fath, under the pretext of a rash of sewage at the headquarters of the military police.

The deputy director general of the Water Utility for Sewage Affairs, Zaki Haddad, said that the detention of pump workers is not within their competence and has nothing to do with sewage.

Haddad warned that stopping the pump would result in the return of sewage to the low houses and the inner streets of the neighborhoods.

Sewage pumps workers in Aden threatened to strike in solidarity with their fellow detainees.


Sameera Hassn