YEMEN Press Agency

Rouhani: The terrorist group who attacked the military parade backed by some Gulf States

SANAA, Sept. 23 (YPA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday that the terrorist attack on the military parade in Ahvaz will not go unanswered, and the response would be with the country’s legal frameworks and national interests.

He indicated that the terrorists, who carried out the crime of Ahvaz yesterday, “receive support from neighboring countries in the Gulf, stressing that those involved in the attack “will not go unpunished and the  response will be overwhelming and destructive .”

Rouhani said Iran would not leave the Ahvaz attack without a response, noting that “America is behind these small mercenaries.”

“We know who has committed the crime of Ahvaz, who stands behind it and supports it, and we will respond to the crime in accordance with the laws and the interests of the country,” he added.