YEMEN Press Agency

Yemenis will never surrender whatever coalition commits: Ansaruallah Leader

SANAA, Sept. 20 (YPA) – Anasaruallah Leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, said Thursday that the Saudi-led coalition will not force the Yemeni people to surrender no matter how crimes and massacres it commits.

In his speech to mark Ashura anniversary, al-Houthi called the Yemeni people to move seriously and widely to back the fronts on the western coast and borders.

“Whatever the aggressive coalition goes further in criminality and brutality, we are steadfast and will never give up,” al-Houthi said.

He added that the problem of “the aggression coalition with Yemenis” is their adherence to freedom and dignity.

Ansaruallah leader reaffirmed the Yemeni people’s steadfastness in confronting the coalition, and its adherence to its principled positions towards major issues, especially Palestine issue, and the solidarity with Bahraini people.

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