YEMEN Press Agency

Media authority of Ansarullah condemns coalition air strikes on radio station in Hodeidah

SANAA, Sept. 17 (YPA) – Media authority of Ansarullah on Monday strongly condemned the Saudi-led coalition’s air strikes on a radio station in the western province of Hodeidah that killed four employees, in a statement said.

The coalition’s warplanes waged a series of strikes on the radio station in al-Maraweah district of the port city, killing the four earlier Sunday.

The statement said that targeting the Yemeni journalists and radio stations is “war crimes and violations” against the international law.

It called on the Yemeni journalists in all of the national media institutions and fronts to do more to reveal the coalition’s war crimes and its violations to the peoples in the world.

The statement said that the US-backed Saudi-led coalition escalated in brutal and immoral crimes and against the Yemeni media and journalists to hide the free, honorable voices and the truth on its violations in Yemen.

Ali Ahsan