YEMEN Press Agency

Public strike paralyzes Zunjbar city of Abyan

ABYAN, Sept. 11 (YPA) – The city of Zunjbar in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan witnessed on Tuesday a public strike that completely paralyzed the city, according to Yemen Press Agency reporter.

Meanwhile, the rallies calling for the departure of the Saudi-led coalition forces and the overthrow of the so-called legitimacy government continued in the city in protest against the deterioration of the living conditions and the spread of security chaos in the occupied southern provinces.

The reporter said that demonstrators roamed the streets of the city chanting slogans against the coalition and the government in Aden, and raising photos of the southern movement’s leader, Hassan Baoum.

They stressed that they will continue in confronting the futility of the coalition and the government loyal to it in all parts of the occupied provinces.


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