YEMEN Press Agency

Mahrah tribesmen demand Saudi-led coalition lifting military checkpoints

HAHRAH, Sep. 4 (YPA) – Sheikhs and tribesmen of Mahrah province issued a warning statement to demand in lifting the military checkpoint done by the Saudi-led coalition ‘s troops in the province.

The statement said that the Saudi forces deliberately revoke the agreement signed over the past July month, which included reopening of al-Guidha international civil airport would be managed by Yemeni Civil Aviation Authority and lifting the military points.

The statement said that the new checkpoint  provoke citizens and fishermen and hindering their work and daily tasks to get sources of livelihood.

In last month of July, thousands of people of the province  went to street in a massive popular protest against the Saudi-led coalition to demand  going out  its troops and rejecting  dominance on the province.

Two months late, the protesters have raised their objectives to demand the coalition to leave their lands for preserving on the national sovereignty and withdrawal its plans to control over the ports.

Ali Ahsan