YEMEN Press Agency

UAE abandons Southern Transition Council leaders

ADEN, Aug. 25 (YPA) – The poor appearance for the two leaders of the Southern Transition Council, “Shallal shaye and Aidarous al-Zubaidi” on Emirati news channels, raised questions in the media and political circles.

Activists said that the United Arab of Emirates (UAE) occupation forces insulted the tow leader s by forcing them to show up in their news channel without any without any prior arrangement with them or even without any invention for an interview as is usually done with dignitaries and state officials.

According to observers, the UAE intentionally wanted them to appear in a position of Weakness, mockery and contempt to deal with them by broadcasters.

The added that it is so clear that UAE changed its way and behavior in dealing with these two separatist leaders.

Observers said that this bad treatment confirms that the UAE abandoned them, and this is is a dispensation of their services.