SHABWA, Aug. 16 (YPA)- Shabwani Elite forces backed by the United Arab of Emirates occupation forces on Thursday threatening to direct strike to the ISALH Party Militias in Shabwa province.
Huge differences emerged when the security director of the province, Awad Al-Dahbul accused Shabwa governor who was appointed by the Saudi-led coalition, Ali al-Karthi of corruption.
The move came during his speech in a mass rally held in Shabwa on Thursday.
The leadership of the so-called “Shabwani elite forces” issued a statement confirming that their support for the Southern Transitional Council.
They ( “Shabwani elite” forces ) began to implement their decisions by preventing the entry of weapons into the city of Ataq, but a number of activists considered the resolution aimed to target the ISALH Party militias.
Earlier on Monday, Islah party militias attacked celebration ceremony held by Southern Transitional Council.
The statement held ISLAH party responsible for any acts against the members of Southern Transitional Council in Shabwa.