YEMEN Press Agency

Southern ex-president discusses solution initiative for Yemen in Beirut

BEIRUT, Aug. 16 (YPA) – The former Yemeni southern president, Ali Nasser Mohammed, discussed in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on Wednesday an initiative provided by him for the solution in Yemen.

In the presence of more than 30 personalities from the media men and Arab journalists in Beirut, Ali Nasser explained the details of his initiative, which included “a cease-fire and the formation of a presidential council.”

The initiative also included “the formation of a national unity government and the disarmament of the warring parties and handing weapons to the national defense ministry under the supervision of a local and international joint military committee.”

The attendees debated on the initiative and confirmed, at the end of the meeting, their support for the initiative in order to stop the war in Yemen and start the peace process.

The Arab journalists called on “all the actors at the regional and international arena to interact with the initiative.”


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