SANAA, Aug. 5 (YPA) -The Washington post stated in a report published on Sunday that basking in the glow of international praise for allowing women to drive, Saudi Arabia issued a self-congratulatory press release June 27, saying Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the country’s young ruler, wanted to go further with his “Vision 2030” project. “Advancing the role of women is an important element” of the plan, the press release declared. However, it appears that allowing women to voice their opinions is not part of the plan. Instead, the crown prince is throwing them in jail.
The newspaper added that The most recent victims are two women’s rights activists, Samar Badawi and Nassima al-Sadah, both apparently detained for their outspoken advocacy. Ms. Badawi was a recipient of the 2012 International Women of Courage Award from the State Department. The citation described her as “a powerful voice” advocating for women’s suffrage and against the guardianship system, under which women cannot marry, work or travel without the permission of a guardian or male relative. The citation added, “In a landmark case, Badawi was the first woman to sue her father for abusing the guardian system and preventing her from marrying the suitor of her choice. She is also the first woman to file a lawsuit against the government demanding the right for women to vote, and launched an online campaign to encourage other women to file similar suits. The efforts of activists like Badawi helped encourage a royal decree allowing women to vote and run for office in future municipal elections.”
“Ms. Badawi is the brother of Raif Badawi, a blogger who founded a website called Free Saudi Liberals, where he challenged the religious establishment, promoted women’s rights and called for a more tolerant society. He was arrested and sentenced in May 2014, to 10 years in prison, 1,000 lashes, and a 10-year travel and media ban following release. In January 2015, Badawi received the first 50 lashes in front of a Jiddah mosque. Since then, the barbaric punishment has stopped, but he remains in prison despite an international outcry over the monarchy’s cruel treatment of a blogger.” the newspaper said.
Ahmed Al-Mutawakel