YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Mashat calls for activating principle of joint Arab defense

SANAA, March 04 (YPA) – President of Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, sent on Tuesday a message to the Arab Summit held in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

In a letter, President Al-Mashat stressed Yemen’s firm, principled and continuous position to support Gaza and Lebanon in any upcoming round of conflict, and to extend this position to include every Arab state to be targeted by this usurping entity.

Al-Mashat affirmed that the correct, logical and necessary choice is supporting resistance by all means and not relying on the resolutions of the United Nations or unfair American mediator, who is the partner of Israeli enemy in all its movements, plans and crimes.

“This stage is a serious work and broad movement to break the siege imposed on Gaza, rebuild, support it with the necessary aid and survival requirements to confront displacement plans, and reject any decision that seeks to recognize the sovereignty of the usurping Zionist enemy over the West Bank,” he added.

Mr. President pointed out the importance of expanding Arab solidarity and joint action by activating the principle of joint Arab defense in the Arab League, solidarity and support for all targeted countries, stopping normalization with the criminal Zionist entity, expelling its ambassadors and representatives, in addition to activating the economic boycott, and cutting off oil.

He affirmed that confronting the dangerous expansionist plans of the American and Israeli enemy to nibble away at Arab lands, occupy them and undermine their sovereignty will only be through Arab unity, cooperation to tackle the problems, crises and internal disputes between the countries of the Arabic nation, as well as ending the American occupation in Syria and Iraq, and supporting all the targeted countries, especially “Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

President Al-Mashat called for withdrawal the Israeli occupation of some Lebanese villages, affirming that the right of the Lebanese people to use all means to expel the occupation from their lands.