YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa accuses Saudi Arabia of procrastinating in fulfilling its obligations in humanitarian file

SANAA, Feb. 10 (YPA) – Sanaa Prime Minister Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Rahawi stressed that high prices, the collapse of the currency and services, and the lack of security in the southern and eastern provinces controlled by the Saudi-led coalition are natural results of “the occupation.”

Al-Rahawi explained that “the occupier stirs up strife and deepens conflicts,” pointing to Saudi Arabia’s role in drowning the southern provinces in corruption and making them a launching pad for attacks on the northern provinces.

He added that the United States is pressuring Saudi Arabia by intimidating it with the threat of Yemen to its security, noting Saudi Arabia’s reluctance to fulfill its obligations regarding the humanitarian file, including paying employees’ salaries.

Al-Rahawi stressed that America’s decision to classify Ansarallah as a terrorist organization aims only to subjugate Sanaa, but the latter does not care about such decision.