YEMEN Press Agency

Economic collapse in Aden pushes to import loaves of bread from UAE

ADEN, Oct. 15 (YPA) – The coalition-affiliated Aden government in the southern Yemeni city of Aden has begun importing loaves of bread for citizens from the UAE.

Southern activists and media professionals circulated pictures of Emirati “tortilla” bread being sold in the markets of Hadramout province, which some considered a dangerous move to starve the people of the province, which coincides with the catastrophic economic collapse for ravaging the people of the southern provinces.

Journalist Fathi Bin Lazraq said in a post on his Facebook page that Aden and the rest of the southern provinces are suffering from the absence of the state and institutions.

He posted a picture of the cover of a loaf of bread imported from the Emirates, considering it a tragedy that contributed to the loss of hard currency.

Lazraq pointed out that the countries that reached the brink of economic collapse had prevented the import of basic necessities of life, and the Aden government imported bread.

He continued, saying, “If there was a country, it would have taken a decision to ban the import of more than 100 imported items that drain hard currency.”

Importing bread from the UAE in foreign currency has sparked widespread anger among citizens in Aden and the rest of the southern provinces, coinciding with a US dollar equaling two thousand riyals.