YEMEN Press Agency

Iran considers Gulf states complicit if they allow Israel use their airspace to attack Tehran

TEHRAN, OCt. 10 (YPA) – Iran has threatened Gulf countries in the event they allow Israel to use their airspace to target the Iranian territories .

“We will consider all Gulf states complicit if any of them allow Israel to use their airspace or military bases against Iran, and any such action will provoke a response,” Reuters reported, citing a senior Iranian official.

The official added that Iran has made it clear that any move by any Gulf country against Tehran, whether through airspace use or military bases, will be regarded by Tehran as an action taken by the entire group, and Tehran will respond accordingly.”

A Western diplomat in the Gulf stated that Iran has made it clear it will closely monitor how each Gulf state responds if Israel conducts an attack, as well as how the U.S. bases in those countries are used.

The diplomat confirmed that Iran has threatened all Gulf states regarding any cooperation in the event of an Israeli attack, emphasizing that maintaining neutrality would be the least they could do.

