YEMEN Press Agency

Inclusive strike targets Al-Thawra General Hospital in Taiz

HODEIDA, Sept. 30 (YPA) – Dozens of workers and employees of Al-Thawra General Hospital in various areas of the coalition-held Taiz city declared on Sunday a comprehensive strike.

The employees affirmed that strikes came in protests against their salaries that have been suspended for nearly 3 months.

The workers and doctors explained that they would continue their strike until their salaries be paid, without procrastination or delay by the Ministry of Finance of the coalition-backed government.

Earlier, Al-Thawra Hospital in Taiz was subjected to armed raids and closure by coalition factions during the past period.

Hospitals in coalition-controlled Taiz various areas are suffering from a widespread deterioration in the provision of services to patients due to the poor conditions that workers and doctors have reached due to the non-payment of their dues, in addition to a severe shortage of medicines and medical equipment.