YEMEN Press Agency

Massive demonstration in Paris condemns Israeli bombings on Lebanon, Gaza

PARIS, Sept. 23 (YPA) – A massive demonstration was organized on Sunday in the French capital, Paris, to condemn the recent bombings in Lebanon and the continued Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The demonstration, with the participation of opposition members of the French parliament, held the Elysee Palace’s responsible for continuing to support the Israeli entity and the outbreak of a comprehensive war in the Middle East.

“A very strong message must be sent to Israel that this cannot continue,” said Sophia Chequiro, a member of the French parliament for the New Popular Front. “We do not agree with this and we will not allow what is happening in Gaza and Lebanon, which is considered genocide, nor the developments that threaten to lead to a comprehensive regional war.

She added, “We are deeply shocked by the methods used by Israel and we are even more shocked by France’s silence.”