YEMEN Press Agency

Senior European official visits Sanaa

SANAA, Sept. 22 (YPA) – Member of the European Parliament and member of the Bulgarian Committee on Civil Liberties and Justice, Elena YONCHEVA, is visiting the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Sunday, to check on the lives of the Bulgarians on the crew of the Israeli ship that was seized by the Yemeni naval forces into Red Sea in support of Palestinian people in Gaza.

During his reception, the Speaker of Sanaa-based Parliament, Yahya al-Ra’i, praised the positions of some members of the European Parliament condemning the massacres and genocidal war that the Israeli occupation’s committing against the sons of the Palestinian people and the Arab and Islamic nation.

“Yemen is launching its battle against the Zionists came from the values and morals of Arabism and Islam and respecting the rights of prisoners, and not as the Zionists do and practice in terms of violations of the rights of prisoners and detainees and disregard for human, moral and legal rights,” al-Ra’I stated.

The Parliament’s speaker expressed his regret and all the free people of the world for the blatant bias and shameful silence of the parliaments and countries of the world towards those brutal massacres without moving the human and moral conscience, or taking action to hold accountable the perpetrators who have committed massacres and the genocidal war of against the Palestinian people in the world’s full view.

He reiterated Yemen’s firm and principled position in supporting the Palestinian people until the aggression and siege on Gaza are stopped, and the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories is ended.