YEMEN Press Agency

President Al-Mashat confirms Yemeni people to seize its rights by legitimate force

SANAA, Sept. 20 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, warned on Friday against contenoing a state of no peace and no war, stressing that the Yemeni people will seize their rights by legitimate force.

This came in a speech that he made on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution, noting that September 21 Revolution comes this year while Yemen is fulfilling its religious and principled duty in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people for more than ten months.

“The Palestinian cause is a priority in the September 21 Revolution since its inception, as it is the central issue and the greatest injustice from which all injustices in our region and Islamic world stem,” Al-Mashat said, affirming that the revolution will maintain its principled and religious position by standing by the Palestinian people and supporting them with blood and immortal positions, and prevented Israeli navigation from passing through the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, to the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.”

Mr. President stressed that this revolution prevent normalization with the Israeli entity, saluting the armed forces and security forces for their blessed efforts in defending the country and preserving its security and stability.

He also praised the great efforts made by the missile force for its success in striking a military target in the so-called “Tel Aviv” with the “Palestine 2” hypersonic ballistic missile, which bypassed and penetrated all the multiple and diverse American, British and Israeli protection belts.

Al-Mashat affirmed that the coming days will be surprised, reiterating that Yemen’s operations will be gone on as long as the Israeli aggression and siege on Gaza is continued, and that Yemen’s position is firm and principled alongside the oppressed Palestinian people in expelling the Zionist occupation.

He also saluted the Yemeni people for their honorable and distinguished positions worldwide in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people since the beginning of the Battle of the Storm of Al-Aqsa, hoping that the distinguished march and rallies in support of the Palestinian people will be continued until the aggression is stopped and the siege on Gaza is ended.

Al-Mashat stressed the full keenness to achieve a just and honorable peace for the benefit of all, calling on the leadership of the coalition to stop this absurd aggression and to achieve the desired peace, lift the siege and meet the requirements of peace, from paying the salaries of Yemenis from their national wealth and opening Yemen’s airports and ports completely, releasing all prisoners, paying compensation, redressing the damage and the complete withdrawal from the Republic of Yemen by all foreign powers.

He added, “Our people announce – on the tenth anniversary of their glorious revolution – that the revolution today has begun a new era entitled change, construction and development, and it can protect Yemen and its wealth and restore the rights of its people, in addition to its ongoing efforts towards liberating the remaining occupied land.

Al-Mashat pointed out that the path of change and construction in the governmental and judicial aspects is a continuation of the principles and goals of the September 21 Revolution, which the aggression has tried to obstruct for ten years.

The President condemned the immoral aggression committed by the brutal Zionist enemy in the massacres of last Tuesday and Wednesday against the people in Lebanon, declaring full solidarity and its right to respond.

“We have directed the cancellation of the major central event on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the glorious September 21 Revolution, which the armed forces and security forces usually hold in the capital, Sanaa, in solidarity with what is happening to our brothers in Gaza,” he stated.

President Al-Mashat called on everyone to stand united, protect the internal front, and redouble efforts to achieve self-sufficiency and build a just state that meets the aspirations of all Yemenis.