YEMEN Press Agency

Man burns himself in Boston to protest Gaza war

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 (YPA) – A man set himself on fire last Wednesday near the Israeli consulate in Boston, USA, in protest against Israel’s killing of more than 41,000 Palestinians in its war on the Gaza Strip and the complicity of the United States.

The man said in a video clip he posted before the incident, “My name is Matt Nelson, and I am about to carry out an extremist protest. We are all responsible for the ongoing genocide in Gaza.”

He added that the protest in which he would participate is a call to the US administration to stop supplying “Israel” with the money and weapons it uses to imprison and kill innocent Palestinians and to put pressure on Israel to end the genocide in Gaza.

Nelson also called for support for the indictment issued by the International Criminal Court against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of the Israeli government.

“Democracy is supposed to serve the will of the people, not the interests of the wealthy,” he said. “Restore power and liberate Palestine.”

According to NBC Boston, first responders confirmed that a man had suffered serious burns. Nelson’s current condition has not been reported.