YEMEN Press Agency

Girl reportedly kidnapped after being shot in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 11 (YPA)- A girl was reportedly kidnapped this evening, Tuesday, after being shot in the city of Aden, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions, well-informed sources said.

The sources stated that “unknown gunmen in a vehicle shot at a girl who was walking near the Al-Shula Club at the old Buraiqeh market.”

The sources added that the gunmen managed to kidnap the girl, whose name has not been disclosed, and took her to an unknown location.

Motives for the girl abduction remain unclear.

The STC forces were deployed in the area of the incident, but the identity of the unknown gunmen and the girl’s whereabouts remain unknown.

Aden has been facing unprecedented security instability due to the lack of state authorities since the second half of 2015, as well as the influx of hashish and drugs into the city.

