YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa calls on Security Council, Int’l community to condemn US-British aggression against Yemen

SANAA, Sept. 11 (YPA) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned the ongoing US-British aggression against Yemen, the latest of which targeting the vicinity of a girls’ school in Al-Jand area of Taiz governorate with airstrikes, which resulted in the death of two students and injury of nine others.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Waheed al-Shami, clarified that the aggression against civilians and civilian objects is a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter, international law, and all international norms and treaties.

He emphasized that the American-British aggression, which began last January, is not aimed at protecting international navigation in the Red Sea but rather at supporting the Zionist entity and aiding its continued crimes against civilians in Gaza.

Al-Shami reiterated that the American-British aggression will not deter Sanaa from its principled stance in support of the Palestinian cause and its rejection of Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

He called on the international community, particularly the Security Council and the Human Rights Council, to condemn the brutal aggression against Yemen.

