YEMEN Press Agency

Aden University makes catastrophic decision against female students at behest of STC

ADEN, Sept. 10 (YPA) – Leaders affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), at the Aden University have decided to expel female students from the university dormitories, with no reasons given for the action, well-informed sources reported on Tuesday.

The sources confirmed that the university administration has informed the students to vacate the dormitories in the Sha’ab area based on higher directives.

The dormitory is being prepared for sale, though some sources speculate it might be converted into a media college or leased to an international organization in Aden, according to the sources.

One of the students reportedly appealed to a university official, saying, “Fear God and consider us as your daughters.”

She was met with a dismissive response.  “Don’t compare yourself to my daughters; my daughters are married and settled,” the official said.

The sources also revealed that female students in the dormitory face daily harassment and threats of eviction from the university’s housing head, Mohamed Al-Battani, and his deputy, Mohamed Aqeel Al-Attas, who are pressuring them to leave and subjecting them to verbal abuse.

The students are reportedly experiencing severe psychological distress due to the ongoing eviction threats by the female police, with no information on the number of affected students.

The students have appealed to the Minister of Education in the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition to intervene and halt the eviction threats, which would prevent them from continuing their studies.

Activists have launched a widespread solidarity campaign on social media to support the students, who have no relatives in the city and came from various regions to complete their university education.

They called on the Student Union at the University of Aden to organize protests condemning the decision to evict the students, aiming to pressure the university administration to reverse the decision.


