YEMEN Press Agency

STC storms defense ministry’s headquarters in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 10 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s factions stormed on Tuesday one of the departments of the “Ministry of Defense” in the coalition-affiliated Aden government in the city of Aden, south of Yemen.

Journalist Ali Mansour Muqrat said that elements of the head of the “Medical Authority” of the STC, Aref Al-Daari, stormed the headquarters of the Medical Services Department of the Ministry of Defense located in Aboud Military Hospital on Monday and looted its contents.

He indicated that the elements threw a picture of the so-called head of the coalition-formed Presidential Leadership Council, “Rashad Al-Alimi,” to the ground under the direct direction of “Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the chief of the STC.

Muqrat explained that the storming of the department came after the STC’s medical authority replaced the medical staff with elements close to the STC leadership, referring to elements descending from Dhalea province, amid accusations against the Aden government’s Minister of Defense Mohsen Al-Daari of practicing excessive exclusionary regionalism.

The STC’s factions took control of all civil and military institutions in Aden following fierce clashes with the Islah Party forces in August 2019, and the Riyadh Agreement was signed in early November of the same year, which stipulated the withdrawal of the STC from the city and the return of the “Presidential Protection Brigades”, without that agreement being implemented on the ground.