YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian Red Crescent warns of cessation of its services in northern Gaza

GAZA, Sept. 09 (YPA) – The Palestine Red Crescent Society warned on Monday of the risk of a complete cessation of its services in the Gaza Strip and northern governorates due to the end of the fuel stock necessary to operate ambulances, emergency medical clinics, and relief services.

The Society explained in a statement that this warning comes in light of the Israeli occupation’s continued refusal to bring in sufficient quantities of fuel for health service providers in Gaza and its north.

It pointed out that the Society’s teams in the two governorates have been suffering from a severe shortage of fuel supplies for about three weeks, noting the work is currently being carried out with minimal operational capacity, which constitutes a major obstacle to the crews in providing their services and deepens the humanitarian and health catastrophe that the Gaza and northern governorates are suffering from.