YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah carries out missile attack on Israeli occupation targets

BEIRUT, Sept. 04 (YPA) – Lebanon’s Hezbollah waged on Wednesday a missile attack targeting several positions and barracks of the Israeli occupation forces on Lebanon-Palestine borders.

Hezbollah said in a statement that its fighters fired volleys of “Katyusha” rockets at the command center of the Beit Hillel Brigade and the enemy’s artillery positions in Dishon.

According to the statement, the sites of “Al-Samaqa”, “Ruwaisat Al-Alam”, and “Hantia” were directly bombed with rockets and artillery shells.

It affirmed that the military operation came in support of Gaza and in response to the Israeli occupation’s attacks on southern Lebanese villages and safe homes, especially the towns of Aita al-Shaab and Khiyam.

Hezbollah fighters also targeted the deployment of “Israeli” enemy soldiers in the vicinity of Zar’it barracks (the headquarters of the battalion affiliated with the Western Brigade) with artillery shells, according to the statement.